Whitney leaning against a railing on a downtown street

On a mission to empower brands

I'm the producer and host of my own podcast, The Internal Marketing Podcast.

It's a passion project of mine, which I launched to fill a gap that, I thought, exists in the general marketing conversation. You see, we marketers have been trained (and rightfully so) to focus on the customer, in our marketing strategies. And I get it. But what about the secret weapon that has the power to supercharge marketing strategies, in the most effective and efficient way possible? A company's very own employees.

Why employees? It's employees who deliver on the brand promise. Customers are more likely to believe what our employees say about the company, than what we marketers put out, via the official company channels.

So, not only do companies need to heavily engage their employees in the company's purpose and products/services, but we also need to be empowering them to become the brand's most powerful advocates.

On the podcast, I interview some fascinating guests from across the globe about all things internal marketing and employee brand advocacy, including some great 'case stories' (as I like to call them) about companies who are winning in this area.

Want to learn more about and listen to my podcast, just visit the podcast's website. Feel free to subscribe, leave a review and share the podcast with anyone whom you think will find it valuable.